heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

مدافعان حرم (زینب الحوراء)

offering to the dear ghost of the martyrs of the shrine of lady Zaynab Kobra (As).
Many people in the world close their eyes to the oppression of the oppressors and turn off their conscience with this argument that they are watching civil wars.
But there are men in the world that the cry of the oppressed, taken Sleep from them eyes, and the heart abandonment them out of their comfort and family to save the oppressed.
They are followers of Hussein (AS).
 Imam Ali (sa):May Allah have mercy upon the person who revives a right and suppresses a wrong, and who refutes injustice and establishes justice.
پیشکش به روح بلند شهدای مدافع حرم خانوم زینب کبری (سلام الله علیه).
بسیاری از انسانهای جهان چشمهای خود را روی ظلم ستمگران می بندند و با این استدلال که نظاره گر جنگهای داخلی هستن، وجدان خود را خاموش می کنند.
اما مردانی در جهان هم پیدا می شوند که صدای گریه مظلومان خواب را از چشمهای آنها می گیرد و دل از آسایش و خانواده خود کنده و حرکت می کنند برای نجات مظلومان.
آنها پیروان حسین (ع) هستند.
امیرالمومنین علی (ع):
رَحِمَ اللهُ امْرَءً أحْیا حَقّاً وَأماتَ باطِلاً وَدَحَضَ الجَوْرَ وَاَقامَ العَدْلَ.
خداوند رحمت کند کسی را که حقی را زنده و باطلی را سرکوب کند و ستم را نابود و عدل را برپا دارد.

برتری امام علی (ع) نسبت به دیگر انبیاء

The reason for the superiority of Imam Ali (as):
Sa’sa’a said to Ali: Oh Ali, who is more superior, you or Adam?
Imam replied: Me. Sa’Sa asked: Why?
Imam Ali said: Allah did not forbid “me” from eating wheat, but he forbid Adam from eating it. The food that was Halal for me, was forbidden for Adam as it is mentioned by a verse in Quran:
Don’t come close to the forbidden tree
God asks man to come close to Him. For me, eating was Halal, but I chose not to eat.
And the reason why he prohibited this food was that there were people in his reign that couldn’t eat wheat
Sa’sa’a asked: Who is superior, you or the next Prophet, Noah?
Ali replied: Me
Noah cursed his men, but I didn’t.
Third, Sa’sa’a asked: Who is superior, you or Abraham?
Ali replied. Me, for Abraham said to Allah. My lord! Show me how you give life to the dead!
And as Quran recites Abraham asks for “my heart may be at ease”
But as Imam explained that if all the veil over the unseen were lifted, the strength of Imam Ali’s believe would not increase or decrease.
Sa’sa’a asked: Who is superior, you or Moses?
Hazrat Ali replied: I am superior, for Moses has declared his fear in 6-7 situations.
“Note that it is not shameful for man to be afraid of Almighty Allah
Moses was referring to Pharaoh.
But Imam Ali did not fear a second when he risked his life and
laid covered in Prophet’s bed to protect the Prophet from Quraish infidals.
Imam Ali said: I didn’t fear.
Sa’sa’a asked: Who is superior, you or Jesus?
Ali said: I am superior, for when Hazrat Maryam approached the delivery birth time of Jesus, Allah ordered her to leave the Holy House. 
On the other hand, Allah creates a fissure in the wall of the Ka’ba and asked a lady to go inside to give birth.
الانوار النعمانیة ج1 ، ص27اللمعة البیضاء ص220

O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best and best in result. (Quran,  surah an_nisa, Ayah 59)
This verse was sent down when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) setting off for the Battle of Tabuk, appointed Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor in Medinah, declaring: “You are to me like Aaron to Moses, except that there will be no prophet after me.” The Almighty God never governs himself; rather, He grants His dominion upon His prophets and imams in the shape of government. Therefore, this verse refers to the people’s responsibility against the Almighty God and His Prophet. With these three authorities being there, there will be no deadlock for people: “God,” “Prophet,” and “those who are in authority.”
But whom shall we obey when we don’t have access to the infallible imams and the twelfth of whom is in occultation? In order to comprehend this, we make a reference to a hadith by Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq: “Umar Ibn Hanzalah, a follower of Imam, went to Him and asked: “Two of your Shiites had a dispute over an issue. They went to Mansour Davanighi, the tyrannical Abbasid Caliph, for a judgment. His judgment was correct and he did justice to them.” Imam declared: “Since this right is given to him by tyranny, it is forbidden for him.” Umar Ibn Hanzalah asked: “So what shall we do if there is a dispute among your followers while there is no access to you? “Imam declared: “Look amongst you and see who knows the best the religious instructions, adhering to Halal and Haram. Go to him in order for you to be adjudicated. I appoint this person as your gerent. If this person adjudicates and you don’t accept, you have cheapened the Almighty God’s commandment and rejected we the Ahl al-Bayt. Whoever rejects us, he has rejected the Almighty God and this is polytheism.” _

The testimony of the first Shi'ite Imam, Imam Ali (AS), condolences.

Part of his will to the Shiites at the last moments of life:
I order you to fear God and that you will not want the world as the world comes after you and do not be sorry for what you do not get and tell the truth and work for the reward of that world and fight with the oppressor and help the oppressed. You, and all my children and my family when my letter reaches him, I order to fear God and to do things right and reconcile with each other, I heard from your ancestor that God bless and greet him, saying: Reconciliation between peoples is better than prayer and annual fasting.
About orphans, do not feed them occasionally and do not waste their livelihood. Follow the neighbors that are the Prophet's order.He continually ordered them, so much so that we thought they would inherit for them. About the Qur'an, lest another will overtake you in its conduct and its ruling. About prayer, which prayer is the pillar of your religion. Do not leave it empty to the house of your Lord so much that you remain in this world
If you do not have respect for it, you will incur the punishment of God. Ordered for Jihad, in the way of God, to your wealth and your lives and your languages. Come on and join each other. Do not get back together and do not break the bond. Do not set aside the good and forbid evil, so that your worst will rule yours then pray and do not accept you. Sons of Abdulmutallab! I do not see you in the blood of the Muslims and inflicted his hands on it and say that they killed the Amir Moomanes. Know, except my deadly, that nobody should be killed by my blood. See if I hit him with this strike, strike him only and do not lose his hands and feet and other limbs as I heard from the Messenger of Prophet of God (PBUH), he said: Avoid cutting off the dead body, though the crazy dog. 
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