heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

میلاد امام زمان (عج) مبارک

Where is the one shattering the arms of the aggressors?
Where is the one annihilating the people of wickedness, disobedience, and tyranny?
Imam-e-zaman is  the  twelveth  imam  for Muslims and he was in absence from his childtimes.And his long absence continued now.And it isn’t going to finish  without  ALLAH  permit. He is the end Pedeemer for mankind. And he is someone who just he can reclaims mankind of opression and spoil.Because of it Muslims have  much value for him.
Happy anniversary of the birthday of Imam Mahdi

O Allah! for Your Wali, Hujjat ibn Al-Hasan. That Your Blessings Be Upon Him and His Forbears, at This and all the Time, Be Guardian, Supporter, Leader, Helper, Guide and Lookout, Until You Make Him. Settle on Your Earth Delightedly and Benefit Him on the Earth for a Long Time.

بیان شٱن بالای حضرت فاطمه (س) در حدیث لولاک

God: O Ahmad, if you were not, I would not create a planet, and if Ali was not, I would not create you, and if Fatima was not, I would not create you two people.
Who is Fatima?
Fatima is the one who, when having daughter was a disgrace among the Arabs, his father Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took her hand and walked in the city with her. Fatima is one whom the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) repeatedly said about her: God has commanded me to love Fatima, I smell the Perfume of heaven from her. Fatima is the one who at the time of her marriage, God revealed to the Prophet: "O Muhammad, God salutes to you and says that chose ali to as Fatima's wife. May God love, Ali for Fatima and Fatima for Ali. and the Prophet repeatedly said: Fatima doesn’t have peer if was not Ali. Fatima is mother of Imam Husayn (AS) (martyr Karbala) who  the prophet repeatedly kiss his throat and said he is overlord of the youth of heaven. The generation of all Shi'a Imams that all of them were martyred or poisoned in the cause of God, are from Fatimah and Ali (as). From the perspective of the Qur'an, the whole world has been created for mankind. Man is also created for slavery God. Allah keeps the islam through Pontificate. Imams are the protectors of religion and if after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), there was no Pontificate, his religion would have been diverted. So it is correct to say: If Fatima was not, Pontificate would not continue and religion would not remain, and eventually the purpose of the creation of man (servitude) would not be realized either. But what did they do to this clean and upright lady ?!. He was killed in a young age with child in her womb, and her wife and children were forced to burry her at night to keep her grave forever in the form of a secret. and disgrace those who were pretend with the help of the Prophet and consider themselves Muslim, but their hands are polluted by the blood of the beloved daughter of the Prophet.

نحوه شهادت حضرت فاطمه (س) به روایت تصویر

our Lady, "FATIMA". FATIMA is the daughter of the Prophet and the wife of the first Imam and the mother of Shiite other Imams. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saying: FATIMA is a part of me. whatever barts her, hurts me.  A city, where everyting started. people, who soon became oblivious of their prophet. and  those grudges that resurfaced. a house, which was the recipient of divine revelations. and a lady, who was the prophet's daughter. who was pregnant. who stood up to defend her Imam. such a sacred household. and such a holy lady. who was brutally a ssaulted by saqifa. and the cries of an anborn baby, which were silenced. 

درخواست توقف جنگ یمن توسط بازیگر مشهور

Mark Ruffalo Urges U.S. To Pull Out Of War In Yemen: For three years the United States and Saudi Arabia have been waging a secretive war. triggering the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Saudi Arabia is deliberately using starvation as a weapon of war in Yemen, putting 8 million people a step away from famine. Not only does our government provide the Saudis with fighter planes, missiles and training for this conflict, the U.S. actively assists with target selection for Saudi airstrikes and delivers fuel to Saudi jets mid-air as they conduct bombings. This is a U.S. war in Yemen, yet it’s never had any legal justification. It has never been authorized by Congress, it has nothing to do with fighting Al Qaeda or ISIS. In fact, it’s making them stronger. I believe that when the American people are presented with the facts, we will act to stop our tax dollars from being used to bomb and starve innocent Yemenis, We can stop the bombing and let food and medicine into Yemen so that millions may live.
why do you not fight for the cause of God or save the helpless men, women and children who cry out, "Our Lord, set us free from this town of wrong doers and send us a guardian and a helper?"(Quran, Surat An-Nisa, Verse 75)

نمایشی زیبا از عفو در اسلام

Muslim father forgives man involved in his son's killing. There were emotional scenes at a court hearing in Kentucky, USA as Abdul-Mumin Sombat Jitmoud gave a victim statement.
My son, My nephew, I forgive you on behalf of salahuddin and his mother. My dear nephew Trey. I don't blame you for the crime you have committed. I'm not angry at you for being part of hurting my son. I'm angry at the devil, I blame the devil. Who misguided you and misled you to do such a horrible crime. I realy feel sorry for your parents. They raised you and they want you to be successful. Your success is their success. Your happiness is their happiness. Now they have to cry because of the crime that you have committed. Forgiveness is the greatest gift – or charity in Islam. I have to pour myself out to forgive. Someone that has wronged our family.
O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment.(Quran, Surat Al_Baqarah, Verse178)