heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

میانمار (Myanmar)

The tragedy of Myanmar and the massacre of Muslims by Buddhists, like the events in Gaza and Yemen, represent the oppression of oppressors over the wronged. While countries claiming human rights remain silent, they even nominate the Nobel Peace Prize for the head of oppressors and bloodshed.
Hoping for the day when our Imam, Imam Mahdi will emerge, and revenge the blood shed by the oppressed world from the oppressors and bloodthirsty ones.
This is the promise of God and it will happen one day. Hazrat Mahdi is waiting for the day that all people want him and want peace in the world and pray for his coming.
اللهم عَجِل لِوَلیکَ الفَرَج

Imam Mahdi (P.B.U.H.): Oh, my followers!
I am Mahdi, I am the Imam of the time, and I am the very Ghaem who will bring justice to all around the world, as it has been filled with injustice before that. 
The universe will never be empty of God’s Hujjah and people will never experience a smidgin of time without an Imam.Keep that safe before yourself and never disclose it to anyone but your faithful brothers.
حضرت امام مهدی (علیه‌السلام): ای شیعه ما « من مهدی هستم، من صاحب الزمان هستم، من آن قائم هستم که روی زمین را پر از عدالت می‌کنم، چنانکه با بی عدالتی پر شده باشد. هرگز روی زمین خالی از حجت نمی‌ماند و مردم در فترت نمی‌مانند.این امانت است پیش تو، جز به برادرانت از اهل حق مگو»