"look at me"
A tradition say, " If a person looks at Me while he is sinning and is embarrassed, I will forgive him.
O David! I swear to My Dignity and Glory that I will forgive him, If he looks at Me".
Your positive opinion about God, shows your way of looking at Him.
Sometimes if you are not positive, this will turn into the greatest sin.
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اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّکَ الَّذِی خَلَقَ(۱)خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ(۲)اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّکَ الْأَکْرَمُ(۳)الَّذِی عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ(۴)عَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ یَعْلَمْ(۵)
Recite in the name of your Lord who created(1)Created man from a clinging substance(2)Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous (3)Who taught by the pen(4)Taught man that which he knew not(5) ( Quran, Surat Al_alaq)
بخوان به نام پروردگارت که بیافرید(۱)آدمی را از لخته خونی بیافرید(۲)بخوان، و پروردگار تو ارجمندترین است(۳)خدایی که به وسیله قلم آموزش داد(۴)به آدمی آنچه را که نمی دانست بیاموخت(۵)
Happy Mabas Eid
Mustafa Akhad
حضرت محمد(ص)
And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in tyranny and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said, "I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims."(90)Now? And you had disobeyed [Him] before and were of the corrupters?(91)This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs(92/Jonah)
The French president for the purpose of running a laboratory and archaeological examinations on the the most healthy mummy available of the most notorious dictator that ever lived on Earth, he had the mummy imported from Egypt.
the mummy was carried to a specially-designed section at the Archeology Centre of France.
The final report of the scientists was released that the remaining salt in the mummy was overt evidence that it was drowned in the sea, and the body was rescued very shortly where it was immediately embalmed to be saved.
The amazing thing still baffling Professor Maurice was how could this body possibly be safer than any other mummy despite being taken out of the sea up until this time.
suddenly someone whispered to him that Muslims claim to know something about the drowning of this mummy.
To his surprise, he was told that Muslims believe in a book called “Quran” and this Quran narrates the story of Pharaoh’s drowning and ensures the safety of his body after his death as to be a Sign to mankind. The Professor couldn’t believe and started to wonder:
How can a book existed 1400 years ago speak about the mummy that was only found 110 years ago, in 1898 ??!!
How can that be possible while the ancient Egyptian heritage was discovered only a few decades ago and no one knew about it before??!!
“Is it possible that this mummy in front of me is the one who was chasing Moses ??!!”
he decided to travel and meet anatomy Muslim scientists and there he spoke about his discovery of the safety of the mummy after its death in the sea and so on.
One of the Muslim scientist stood up and simply opened the Quran and pointed to the Professor at one verse:
“This day shall We save you in your body, that you may be a Sign to those who come after you! But verily, many among mankind are neglectful of Our Signs” (Quran 10:92)
The Professor was struck when he read that and immediately stood in front of the crowd and said loudly: “I believe in Islam, I believe in Quran”
Prophet Muhammad (sa) :
If all people unanimously had loved Ali bin abi Tālib, Allah would never created the Fire. (Bihar_al_anwar, caver 39,page 248)
إنَّ النّاسَ لَوِ اجْتَمَعُوا عَلَی حُبِّ عَلِیِّ بْنِ أبی طالِبٍ، لَما خَلَقَ اللهُ النّارَ.
حضرت محمد صلی الله علیه وآله می فرمایند:
_اگر همۀ مردم بر محبّت علی بن ابی طالب اجماع داشتند خداوند آتش (دوزخ) را نمیآفرید.
بحارالأنوار، جلد 39، صفحه248