heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

Husayn is coming to dry the root of oppression

Maria christian was a nun in the church. He was orphaned in childhood, and Imam Ali (AS) was careful him and his family. When Imam Ali (AS) was killed, he again became an orphan, but he kept the love of Imam Ali (AS) always in his heart.
The love for Imam Ali (AS) caused him to fall in love with one of the followers of Imam Ali (AS) in the name of the shozab. He became a Muslim and married to shozab. But after a while in Karbala's incident, his wife in the greed of gold and his position joined the enemy army and betrayed to Imam Husayn (AS) (the son of Imam Ali (AS)).
Love to Imam Ali (AS) caused that Maria was threatened by her husband in support of Imam Husayn (AS) in the Karbala incident, and had to flee home while she was pregnant and died when her baby was born.
Maria christian beautiful talk about Imam Husayn (AS): Husayn has come to revive his grandfather religion a religion that looks like a dead body. Husayn is coming to make the dead alive with his messianic breath. Husayn is coming to dry the root of oppression, to tear the robe of hypocrisy. Husayn is coming to poors will not be without dinner and orphan's children are not without father. Husayn is part of the existence of the Lady of the two worlds (Holy fatima), the lady that her dowry is all world's waters. Husayn is a person whom the prophet repeatedly kiss his throat and said he is overlord of the youth of heaven. My husayn is the son of father Elijah (Imam Ali) that when killed him, kufa children were orphaned again.

Oh' Husayn (a.s)

Oh' Husayn (a.s)…
Oh' sun do not rise anymore/
Oh' clouds go and travel alone/
Oh' rain do not fall to the ground/
Since Husayn (a.s) has been left all alone/
For as long as this world shall remain/
We will always remember Husayn (a.s)/
All the hardship that he has been through/
Was to separate falsehood from truth/
We have been told in the holy verse/
That the meek shall inherit the earth/
We are all waiting so anxiously/
For Jesus (a.s) to rise up with Mahdi (a.s)/
Now that this world is in need of peace/
And you can hear all the orphans that plea/
All we need is your path to succeed/
So that man can forever live free/

Goodbye to lady Zeinab with his brother Imam Husayn (AS) in Karbala

Goodbye to lady Zeinab (Which killed boys, brothers and nephews in Karbala) with his brother Imam Husayn (AS) in Karbala: 
Daughter of zahra came to the place of murder with disturbance/The soul is tired, body is bare, fallen on the desert soil/get up my brothet, the time of travel came, the time of separation and burning hearts came, burning hearts came/your head is on the spear, the your body is on the soil, the jinn and the angel tear collar from your sadness/the ship of love and awakening light, your sadness is sitting on the chest of who is sad/my brother, you went and broke my heart, how amorous you are passed from grief/arise and look good, O God of dignity and forgiveness, my brother dosent have come from Alghameh yet/My waist bent from your sorrow, What should I do! my patience becom diminish/Daughter of zahra came to the place of murder with disturbance/my brother, my brother, i dont have any helper except you/stand up, i dont have any sympathetic/get up my brothr, the time of travel came, the time of separation and burning hearts came/talk to me, O zeinab brother. snug sleep, O the zeinab's head crown/you have fallen on the soil, by body is become one hundred pices. your martyrdom cut zeinab's wing and feather/you are the sky light and hope of cosmos that your was soaked with blood body have fallen on the soil/you are flag of martyrdom, the mighty spirit of man. on the way of honor and dignity you put your head on the spear. you put your head on the spear/l go, O king of thirsty men, my companion is the anger of who camel driver.