heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

Goodbye to lady Zeinab with his brother Imam Husayn (AS) in Karbala

Goodbye to lady Zeinab (Which killed boys, brothers and nephews in Karbala) with his brother Imam Husayn (AS) in Karbala: 
Daughter of zahra came to the place of murder with disturbance/The soul is tired, body is bare, fallen on the desert soil/get up my brothet, the time of travel came, the time of separation and burning hearts came, burning hearts came/your head is on the spear, the your body is on the soil, the jinn and the angel tear collar from your sadness/the ship of love and awakening light, your sadness is sitting on the chest of who is sad/my brother, you went and broke my heart, how amorous you are passed from grief/arise and look good, O God of dignity and forgiveness, my brother dosent have come from Alghameh yet/My waist bent from your sorrow, What should I do! my patience becom diminish/Daughter of zahra came to the place of murder with disturbance/my brother, my brother, i dont have any helper except you/stand up, i dont have any sympathetic/get up my brothr, the time of travel came, the time of separation and burning hearts came/talk to me, O zeinab brother. snug sleep, O the zeinab's head crown/you have fallen on the soil, by body is become one hundred pices. your martyrdom cut zeinab's wing and feather/you are the sky light and hope of cosmos that your was soaked with blood body have fallen on the soil/you are flag of martyrdom, the mighty spirit of man. on the way of honor and dignity you put your head on the spear. you put your head on the spear/l go, O king of thirsty men, my companion is the anger of who camel driver.

Hazrat Ali Asghar

Imam Hussein (AS); "the third Imam of the Shiites" is the son of Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatima (SA) and the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
After killing his father and mother and his brother by the wrongdoers, for the usurpation of the caliphate in the religion of Islam and the distortion of Islam of what the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought to the people from God; Imam Hussein (AS) rebelled for rectification the religion of his ancestor. But he and his family were surrounded by Caliphate officers and the ignorant people of Kufa and massacred. The oppressors closed the water on Imam and his family and did not even have mercy upon his nursling. When the whole Imam Hussein (AS) was killed, Imam brought his nursling (Ali Asghar) to the battlefield and asked water for his child. But his harmale has killed him with a shot. Imam threw gullet blood of his son to the sky, and did not come of blood  upon the earth. Because do not be tormented from his oppressed blood from the land.
Imam Hussein (AS) is a great man who sacrificed his entire family for defend the rights and establish justice and peace in the world.
_Parts of the film mokhtarname

Happy Eid al-Adha

Happy Eid al-Adha
Some of the prayers of the Arafan, which Imam Husayn (AS) has spoken:
O Allah, Who owns; therefore, He controls and controls; therefore, He has absolute authority and is disobeyed; yet, He covers and is prayed for forgiveness; therefore, He forgives. O He Who is the aim of seekers and desirers and the ultimate purpose of the hope of hopers! O He Who encompasses all things in knowledge and covers those who quit (their sins) with tender, mercy, and forbearance! O Allah, we turn our faces to You in this evening that You deem honorable and reverential (asking You) in the name of Muhammad, Your Prophet, Messenger, the best of Your creation, Your trustee on Your Revelation, the bearer of glad tidings, the warner and the shining lantern, with whom You have conferred upon the Muslims and whom You made mercy for the worlds.
So, O Allah, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
forasmuch as Muhammad deserves that from You, O All great.
So, (please) send blessings to him and his Household, the elite, pure, and immaculate all of them, and encompass us with Your pardoning us. To You are the voices of various languages clamoring; so, decide for us, O Allah, in this evening, a share from every good item that You distribute among Your servants, illumination by which You guide, mercy that You spread, blessing that You bring down, wellbeing that You extend and sustenance that You stretch,O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.
See the full video at these addresses

Happy hadj's coming to all Muslims

Happy hadj's coming to all Muslims
The house of kaaba was built by Prophet abraham and Ishmael (PBUH). Muslim pilgrims around the world gather together during the hadj, and return to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) religion.
After the death of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Caliphate was taken from Imam Ali (AS) and killed the Prophet's daughter to distract Islam from its true path. when Imam Husayn (a) went to Kufa after performing the pilgrimage, to take away the caliphate from those who deflect the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) religion; they killed him with his brother, his fellows and his little children, and Captive the his woman and children.
Hoping for the day when their child, Imam Mahdi (AS), will emerge and recognize the true religion of Islam in the world, and take revenge on the blood of all oppressed people from the wrongdoers.
“I stand up for YOUR service, O GOD! I stand up! I stand up! There is no partner with YOU! I stand up for YOUR service! Verily YOURS is the praise, the beneficence, and the dominion! There is no partner with YOU”
"husayn/Like a bird without fin and wings/Until you fall between pit/have been mention your dry lip/I stand up for your service, o god! I stand up/You are drowning In a sea of blood/With dry and insentient lips/You are Being busy Mention god"

See the full video at these addresses