heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

heavenly invitation

So Flee to Allah

شهادت حضرت فاطمه (س) (Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (SA))

When the sky was inactive/The professor of speech was no longer able to speak properly/Called him/O  girl of Khatam the apostles/
Fatima, dear/I am with you, John the Prophet/
Come back to my side, mother the zeinab/
What does Hussein do without you! come back/Fatima, dear/He Shoved the curtain and saw his lady/Excuse me/She is sleeping and has a wound on her eyebrows/How can I express Ali's loneliness?/It's as if bone closes my throat/
Oh God/Let me shout out/Ali was crying like a child/He asked him to open his closed eyes/
Call me once more/You are the only Pearl of the Prophet/Oh lady, Be merciful to Ali/Ultimately, there was no solution/He said: O Fatima, I am Ali/

وطن (home country)

 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic entered Tehran on 1 February 1979 and conduced the resurrection at everywhere in Iran that during 10th day resulted the victory.
The Iranian revolution on 22 February 1979 was happened by the participation of different groups of people. The Pahlavi dynastyofficially ended and finally conditions was prepared to forming the Islamic Republic led by the cleric, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Islamic thoughts and characters had a significant role in the anti monarchic revolution and Khomeini called it as revolution.
On 11 February 1979, after the victory of Iranian revolution hundreds of military personnel and policemen marched towardAzadi Tower. One of their demands was a lack of dependence on the United States and the Soviet Union as dominant power of that time. (We thank God for the Islamic Revolution of Iran)

شهادت حضرت فاطمه (س) (Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (SA))

امام حسن مجتبی علیه السلام  می فرمایند:
شب جمعه ای مادرم فاطمه سلام الله علیها را دیدم که در محراب عبادتش تا صبح مشغول عبادت بود، در این مدت افراد بسیاری را یاد کرد و در حقشان دعا کرد ولی چیزی در مورد خودش نگفت. گفتم: مادرجان در حق همه دعا کردی جز خودت! فرمود: فرزندم اول همسایه سپس داخل خانه.
وسائل الشیعة ؛ ج‏7 ؛ ص113/ بحار الانوار ج 13 ص 428

Imam hasan (PBUH):
One Friday night, I saw my mother, Lady Fatima (PBUH), who had been praying till morning, at her place of worship. He mentioned the name of many people in her prayers, but did not mention herself. I said: “Dear Mother! You prayed for everyone but yourself!” She said: “My dear son! The neighbors should precede the household [in the prayers]” Vasael-u-Shia, Vol. 7, p. 113; Bihar-al-Anwar, Vol. 13, p. 428

حدیث قدسی (Sacred Hadith)

ای فرزند آدم؛ همه تو را برای خودشان می خواهند و من تو را برای خودت، از من مگریز (المواعظ العددیه/ کتاب گنج حکمت)

Oh son of Adam!  All want you for their own sake, while I want you for your own sake. So do not escape from me. (Book of Treasure of Wisdom/Number of sermons)